Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level ( (30-31 May 2018 :. Paris) )

Going Digital in a Multilateral World .-- Paris OECD 2018 .-- 106 p. graf.

In January 2017, the OECD launched Going Digital: Making the Transformation Work for Growth and Well-being (the Going Digital project). The project aims to help policymakers better understand the digital transformation that is taking place and create a policy environment that enables their economies and societies to prosper in a world that is increasingly digital and data-driven. An interim report – presented at the 2018 OECD Meeting of the Council at Ministerial Level – provides preliminary results from the Going Digital project. A final synthesis report, based on an integrated policy framework, will be released at a high-level conference on 11-12 March 2019, following the completion of all of the work under the Going Digital umbrella

Políticas públicas digitales

designing policy
digital age
digital transformation
Transformación digital

Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico
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