DIGITAL FARMER PROFILES: Reimagining Smallholder Agriculture Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) .-- USAID 2018 .-- 84 p. tabl.; il. 1 fichero .pdf

More than 500 million smallholder farms worldwide play a significant role in food production and the genetic diversity of the food supply. Until now, it has been difficult to get information to or from smallholder farmers, compounding basic infrastructural problems such as access to inputs, markets, financing, and training. The spread of mobile technology, remote-sensing data, and distributed computing and storage capabilities are opening new opportunities to integrate smallholder farmers into the broader agri-food system. The scale of these changes holds out the potential for another agricultural revolution


Economía digital

Agri-food system
Food production
Mobile technology
Smallholder farmers

Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional USAID