OECD Skills Outlook 2019 : Thriving in a Digital World .-- Paris : OECD Publications, 2019 .-- 285 p. : graf. ; 1 documento PDF

Economies and societies are undergoing digital transformations that bring both opportunities and challenges and countries’ preparedness to seize the benefits of a digital world is largely dependent on the skills of their population. This edition of the OECD Skills Outlook 2019 aims to understand how policies, and in particular those that affect skills development and use, can shape the outcomes of digital transformation and translate into more equally shared benefits among and within countries’ populations. Ensuring people can benefit from new technologies and are not left behind requires a comprehensive and co-ordinated policy effort. This package of co-ordinated policies needs to simultaneously promote digitalisation where the latter increases productivity and well-being, and otherwise cushion its negative impacts.

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digital transformation
inteligencia artificial
new technology
skills development
Transformación digital

Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico
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