Devenyi, Vivien

The role of digital government in the European Semester process 2018 : final report - Study / Vivien Devenyi, Debora Di Giacomo, Sara Talpo, Ann-Sophie Vermeersch, Alessandro Zamboni .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of th European Union, 2019 .-- 206 pág.

Modern and efficient public administrations are necessary to ensure fast and high-quality services for firms and citizens. This, in turn, may lead to more efficient public spending and increase the focus on measures reinforcing economic growth. In this context, the use of ICT and the deployment of digital public services are instrumental to both achieving efficiency gains and reducing costs. Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) and National Reform Programmes (NRPs) are essential instruments to set and implement the reform priorities of each Member State


10.2799/53001 doi

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

Administración pública
Crecimiento económico
servicios digitales

Di Giacomo, Debora
Talpo, Sara
Vermeersc, Ann-Sophie
Zambon, Alessandro

Comisión Europea
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