The Space Economy in Figures : How Space Contributes to the Global Economy .-- Paris : OECD Publishing, 2019 .-- 191 p. : gráf., tablas


The space economy is expanding and becoming increasingly global, driven by the development of ever-more governmental space programmes around the world, the multiplication of commercial actors in value chains, durable digitalisation trends, and new space systems coming of age. This report describes these emerging trends using new and internationally comparable data and indicators. It highlights the growing importance of space activities for the economy, for developing country strategies (based on original official development assistance statistics), for the pursuit of knowledge and scientific discoveries, and for society in general. To get the most out of space investments and promote sustained socio-economic growth, this report provides some recommendations to countries in building up their statistical evidence on space actors and activities.

9789264550100 (HTML) 9789264696549 (print) 9789264805958 (PDF) 9789264987272 (epub)

10.1787/c5996201-en . DOI

Economía digital

Países en desarrollo
Tecnologías emergentes

Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico
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