Koukounas, Aggelos

Trust Services Security Incidents 2018 : Annual report : July 2019 / Aggelos Koukounas, Eleni Vytogianni, Marnix Dekker .-- [S.l.] : ENISA, 2019 .-- 13 p. : gráf.

The annual report on Trust Services Security Incidents 2018 gives an aggregated overview of security breaches, showing root causes, statistics and trends. It marks the third round of security incident reporting for the EU’s trust services sector. The annual summary reporting for 2018 totalled 18 incident reports, i.e. incidents with significant impact on the trust services.


10.2824/540225 DOI

Ciberseguridad y confianza
Economía digital

data security
ensuring security
online privacy

Vytogianni, Eleni
Dekker , Marnix

European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
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