Exploratory study of consumer issues in online peer-to-peer platform markets : task 5 report : legal analysis report. .-- Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones, 2017. .-- 114 p. ; 1 documento PDF

Includes bibliographical references.

The sharing economy and online P2P markets are rapidly growing phenomena that could empower consumers by allowing peer suppliers/providers to monetise under-utilised resources, on the one hand, and by making goods and services more afforda-ble for peer consumers, on the other hand. The emergence and development of these new markets, however, also raises consumer protection concerns due to regulatory uncertainty. Against this background, the ‘Exploratory study of consumer issues in the sharing economy’ (the Study), included in its objectives an analysis of the 28 EU Member States’ legislation applicable to C2C transactions and to online platforms facil-itating P2P transactions (Task 5 – Legal Analysis). A focal point of this analysis is the identification of the key national-level indicators used to distinguish between individuals acting in a private capacity and individuals acting in a commercial/professional capacity; a distinction that has gained particular importance in the sharing economy context. Furthermore, the Legal Analysis investi-gates the extent to which the EU consumer acquis and other relevant EU legislation might apply to C2C transactions and online platforms facilitating these transactions. It also identifies the main enforcement issues of the applicable legal frameworks, the application problems experienced by national authorities, and relevant legal and policy initiatives adopted, or being discussed, by Member States or at EU level.

Reproducción autorizada, con indicación de la fuente bibliográfica ; Unión Europea.


10.2838/73822 doi

Comercio electrónico

economía colaborativa
bienes y servicios
política de los consumidores
transacción financiera
protección de datos
computación en nube
bien de ocasión
Derecho nacional
protección del consumidor
Estado miembro UE

Hausemer, Pierre
Rzepecka, Julia
Dragulin, Marius
Vitiello, Simone
Rabuel, Lison
Nunu, Madalina
Rodriguez Diaz, Adriana
Psaila, Emma
Fiorentini, Sara
Gysen, Sara
Meeusen, Tim
Quaschning, Simon
Dunne, Allison.
Grinevich, Vadim
Huber, Franz
Baines, Linda

Comisión Europea. Dirección General de Justicia y Consumidores
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