Ortega Hortelano, Alejandro

Women in European transport with a focus on research and innovation : an overview of women’s issues in transport based on the Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System (TRIMIS) : Study / Alejandro Ortega Hortelano... [et al.] .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2019 .-- 52 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (JRC Science for Policy Report).

Bibliografía: p. 32-35

Gender differences exist with regard to access to transport and mobility, transport safety, personal security, and participation in the transport sector. This report analyses gender differences in the transport sector across the European Union (EU). It identifies key issues based on a survey of relevant literature and summarises EU policy initiatives and regulations that address gender equality and transport. The study examines the status and evolution of European research in tackling women’s issues in transport and analyses women's participation in
transport research and innovation activities. It assesses the progress to date and identifies challenges and
opportunities concerning women and mobility. It concludes by providing policy recommendations to overcome
the main barriers to gender equality in transport.

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978-92-76-09692-4 (pdf) 978-92-76-09691-7 (print)

1831-9424 (pdf) 1018-5593 (print)


Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

gender equality
industrial research
participation of women
position of women
research report
research staff
sustainable mobility
transport market
transport safety

Comisión Europea
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