Attitudes towards cyber risks through implicit and self report measures : the Happy Onlife edutainment experience of secondary school children / R. Di Gioia... [et al.] .-- Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones, 2019 .-- 65, XIII p. : tab., il. col.; 1 documento PDF .-- (JRC Technical Reports).

The work described in this document aims at evaluatingthe effect of the Happy Onlife toolon attitudestowards cyber risk ofchildren aged 10-12, from Time T1 to Time T2, before and after using Happy Onlife edutainment.The first research aim is to test the Happy Onlife edutainment reliability as a learning tool for enhancing digital competences with a focus on cyber security, data protection, privacy, online communication, netiquette and digital identity management. Moreover, a second purpose is the contribution to the development and validation of a new implicit measureof cyber risk propensity for children (10-12years old). A third aim is to investigate the relationship between implicit risk attitudes and explicit risk-taking behaviour.

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10.2760/752186 doi

Ciberseguridad y confianza
Sociedad digital

seguridad informática
juego electrónico
material de enseñanza
enseñanza secundaria
protección de datos
impacto de la informática
tecnología de la información

Di Gioia, Rosanna

Comisión Europea Centro Común de Investigación

JRC Technical Reports
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