Trends Shaping Education 2019 .-- Paris : OECD Publishing, 2019 .-- 105 p. : il., gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

Trends Shaping Education examines major economic, political, social and technological trends affecting education. While the trends are robust, the questions raised in this book are suggestive, and aim to inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection on the challenges facing education – and on how and whether education can influence these trends. This book covers a rich array of topics related to globalisation, democracy, security, ageing and modern cultures. The content for this 2019 edition has been updated and also expanded with a wide range of new indicators. Along with the trends and their relationship to education, the book includes a new section on future’s thinking inspired by foresight methodologies. This book is designed to give policy makers, researchers, educational leaders, administrators and teachers a robust, non specialist source of international comparative trends shaping education, whether in schools, universities or in programmes for older adults. It will also be of interest to students and the wider public, including parents.

9789264308381 (PDF)

10.1787/trends_edu-2019-en .

Educación digital

modern culture

Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico
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