ENISA threat landscape for 5G Networks : threat assessment for the fifth generation of mobile telecommunications networks (5G) / European Union Agency for Cybersecurity ; editors Marco Lourenço, Louis Marinos, ENISA .-- Attiki, Greece : ENISA, 2019 .-- 85 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

This report draws an initial threat landscape and presents an overview of the challenges in the security of 5G networks. Its added value lays with the creation of a comprehensive 5G architecture, the identification of important assets (asset diagram), the assessment of threats affecting 5G (threat taxonomy), the identification of asset exposure (threats – assets mapping) and an initial assessment of threat agent motives. The information produced for this Threat Landscape is based on publicly available information published by 5G standardisation groups and bodies (i.e. ETSI, 3GPP, 5GPPP) and 5G stakeholders such as operators, vendors, national and international organisations. An expert group with experts from mobile operators, vendors, research and European Commission has contributed to ENISA’s work with information on existing 5G material, current developments in the market and research and quality assurance of the current document. Moreover, the members of the NIS CG, European Commission and ENISA have reviewed the current document.

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10.2824/49299 . doi

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

5G networks
5G architecture
mobile telecommunications

Lourenço, Marco
Marinos, Louis

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity
European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
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