A vision for a sustainable battery value chain in 2030 : unlocking the full potential to power sustainable development and climate change mitigation : insight report / World Economic Forum. Committed to Improving of the State of the World ; Global Battery Alliance .-- Geneva : World Economic Forum, 2019 .-- 51 p. : gráf. ; 1 fichero pdf

The need for urgent and more intensive actions against climate change is broadly recognized. In support of this agenda, this report presents a simple yet profound vision: a circular, responsible and just battery value chain is one of the major near-term drivers to realize the 2C Paris Agreement goal in the transport and power sectors, setting course towards achieving the 1.5C goal if complemented with other technologies and collaborative efforts.

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

climate change
energy transition
battery value
clean energy
sustainable development

World Economic Forum. Committed to Improving of the State of the World
Global Battery Alliance
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