Huyer, Esther

The Economic Impact of Open Data : Opportunities for value creation in Europe / [written by Esther Huyer, Laura van Knippenberg ; with contributions by Eline Lincklaen Arriëns, Marit Blank] ; European Data Portal .-- Luxembourg : The Publications Office of the European Union, 2019 .-- 137 p. : il. ; 1 documento PDF - anual

We bring our results into context to proof their feasibility. We will critically look back and consider what the open data community observed in learned in the last ten to 15 years. We reflect on what that means for the present day and for the future outlook

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10.2830/63132 . doi

Datos abiertos

open data

Knippenberg, Laura van
Arriëns, Eline Lincklaen
Blank, Marit

Comisión Europea
European Data Portal
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