A New Application of Social Impact in Social Media for Overcoming Fake News in Health / Pulido, Cristina M.; Ruiz-Eugenio, Laura; Redondo-Sama, Gisela; Villarejo-Carballido, Beatriz .-- 2020 .-- 1 documento pdf 74 kb

One of the challenges today is to face fake news (false information) in health due to its potential impact on people’s lives. This article contributes to a new application of social impact in social media (SISM) methodology. This study focuses on the social impact of the research to identify what type of health information is false and what type of information is evidence of the social impact shared in social media. The analysis of social media includes Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter. This analysis contributes to identifying how interactions in these forms of social media depend on the type of information shared. The results indicate that messages focused on fake health information are mostly aggressive, those based on evidence of social impact are respectful and transformative, and finally, deliberation contexts promoted in social media overcome false information about health. These results contribute to advancing knowledge in overcoming fake health-related news shared in social media

Sanidad digital

social media analysis
social impact in social media
public health
fake news

Pulido, Cristina M.
Ruiz-Eugenio, Laura
Redondo-Sama, Gisela
Villarejo-Carballido, Beatriz
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