González Fuster, Gloria

Artificial Intelligence and Law Enforcement : Impact on Fundamental Rights: study / [autors, Gloria González Fuster] .-- Brussels : European Parliament, 2020 .-- 87 p. ; 1 documento PDF

En la cubierta: "Requested by the LIBE committee"

It examines the impact on fundamental rights of Artificial Intelligence in the field of law enforcement and criminal justice, from a European Union perspective. It presents the applicable legal framework (notably in relation to data protection), and analyses major trends and key policy discussions. The study also considers developments following the Covid-19 outbreak. It argues that the seriousness and scale of challenges may require intervention at EU level


10.2861/ 880024 doi

Inteligencia Artificial

data protection
rights of the child

Parlamento Europeo. Dirección General de Políticas Internas. Departamento Temático de Derechos de la Ciudadanía y Asuntos Constitucionales
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