The 2020 predict report : key facts report ; an Analysis of ICT R&D in the EU and Beyond / M. Mas ... [et al.] ; editors, G. De Prato, M. López-Cobo .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2020 .-- 155 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (JRC Technical Reports).

The information provided in this report indicates that China is quickly moving to a new scenario betting hard on higher value added activities –such as those within the ICT producing sector- as well as investing an increasing amount of resources in R&D. The data for all R&D related variables indicate that China wants to play a prominent role in the world economy. Up to now the US is still the leading country in the world. But China (due to the size of its economy) is already threatening a leading position The EU28 is not improving its overall position in the international context. The results presented here call for a reflection on the current relative future position of the EU28’s ICT sector in the international landscape.



10.2760/291872 . doi

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

digital economy
digital technology
information technology industry
Transformación digital

López Cobo, Montserrat
De Prato, Giuditta
Mas Ivars, Matilde

Comisión Europea

JRC Technical Reports
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