Phatty-Jobe, Abbie

Digital Agriculture Maps : 2020 State of the Sector in Low and Middle-Income Countries / [written by Abbie Phatty-Jobe ; with support from Ankur Seth, Kara Norton ; edited by Daniele Tricarico, Natalia Pshenichnaya, Jayadeep Akkireddy] .-- London : GSM Association, 2020 .-- 85 p. : il., gráf, ; 1 documento PDF

This report is aimed primarily at agritech investors and donors in LMICs to help them prioritise interventions and inform investment and partnership decisions. Agritech companies and mobile network operators (MNOs) actively targeting the rural sector will also find valuable information to position themselves more competitively in their markets

Economía digital

digital agriculture
smart farming
sustainable services
Transformación digital

Akkireddy, Jayadeep
Norton, Kara
Pshenichnaya, Natalia
Seth, Ankur
Tricarico, Daniele

GSMA (Organization)‏
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