Bafoutsou, Georgia

Telecom Security During A Pandemic : Telecom security good practices and lessons learned from the COVID-19 outbreak / Authors, Georgia Bafoutsou and Marnix Dekker .-- European Union Agency for Cibersecurity, November 2020 .-- 39 p. : il., gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered major changes in the use of electronic communication networks and services in the EU: employees working from home instead of in the office, children receiving home-schooling, citizens using streaming services for entertainment instead of going out, people meeting up over a video link instead of in person, etc. The security and resilience of electronic communication networks and services became even more important for the EU’s society and economy.
This paper look at the role telecom providers played in ensuring the security and resilience of the services and networks during the pandemic.

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10.2824/23947 DOI

Ciberseguridad y confianza

communication networks
COVID-19 crisis
Network management

Dekker , Marnix

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity
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