Healthcare Workforce and Organisational Transformation with AI – Enacting Change : round table series 2020 summary report / EIT Health Think Tank .-- Munich : EIT Health, March 2021 .-- 70 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

The report explores the findings from EIT Health and McKinsey & Company report with national-level decision-makers representing key AI stakeholders, the 2020 Think Tank Round Table Series sought to establish concrete recommendations to drive greater acceptance of AI and its effective integration into healthcare systems. The insights from these discussions could now help harness this momentum so that AI can continue to benefit the health of European citizens and the systems that facilitate this, both now and in the future. ‘Healthcare Workforce and Organisational Transformation with AI – Enacting Change’ summary report from the Round Table Series outlines:
* The core priorities to be addressed at both Member State and EU levels – from improving knowledge, education and training concerning AI and its implementation, to the establishment of a robust data infrastructure across Europe.
* The actionable recommendations proposed for the six areas identified as levers for change in driving AI implementation, alongside the key stakeholders who could be drivers of those actions.
The report also provides greater context to the key points of debate among the Round Table participants that drove the recommendations, including the ethical considerations, with supporting case studies of existing projects and initiatives that were identified as positive examples or represented best practices in any given area.


Inteligencia Artificial
Sanidad digital


sistemas sanitarios europeos
transformación digital

Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología
Unión Europea
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