Alvarez, Tanya

Platform-to-business regulation : Maximising the opportunities the P2B Regulation offers SMEs and platforms in Spain and abroad / lead author, Tanya Álvarez .-- Barcelona : Digital Future Society, April 2021 .-- 70 p. : il. ; 1 documento PDF

En portada: Gobierno de España, Vicepresidencia Tercera del Gobierno, Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial,, Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Bibliografía: p. 61-67

Now, and especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pressure to digitise is on, and the way governments deal with platform-to-business relations, will shape the future for smaller players in the market. In Spain where 95% of businesses have less than 10 employees, we can generalise that a majority of Spanish businesses are on the low end of the digital transformation spectrum.Within this context, the EU implemented the P2B Regulation where promotes transparency by requiring platforms to spell out their terms and conditions and so offer SMEs a clearer idea of the “rules of the game”. In this light, the report offers four lines of action, that draw on considerable relevant expertise, to illustrate how both platforms and SMEs can maximise the benefits the regulation proposes both in Spain and abroad.

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Economía digital


datos operativos
plataformas digitales
Regulación P2B
Transformación digital

Digital Future Society
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