Oliveira Hashiguchi, Tiago Cravo

Laying the foundations for artificial intelligence in health / Tiago Cravo Oliveira Hashiguchi, Luke Slawomirski and Jillian Oderkirk .-- Paris : OECD Publishing, 2021 .-- 33 p. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (OECD Health Working Papers ;No. 128).

Bibliografía: 26-31

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to make health care more effective, efficient and equitable. AI applications are on the rise, from clinical decision-making and public health, to biomedical research and drug development, to health system administration and service redesign. The COVID-19 pandemic is serving as a catalyst, yet it is also a reality check, highlighting the limits of existing AI systems. In the real world, health data are not always available, standardised, or easily shared. Limited data hinders the ability of AI tools to generate accurate information for diverse populations with potentially very complex conditions. broadly, policy makers should work towards implementing and operationalising the OECD AI Principles, as well as investing in technology and human capital. Strong policy frameworks based on inclusive and extensive dialogue among all stakeholders are also key to ensure AI adds value to patients and to societies. AI that influences clinical and public health decisions should be introduced with care.

10.1787/3f62817d-en doi

Sanidad digital
Inteligencia Artificial

atención médica

Slawomirski, Luke
Oderkirk, Jillian

Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico

OECD Health Working Papers
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