Deloitte AI Institute

Investing in trustworthy AI / a report by the Deloitte AI Institute and Chamber Technology Engagement Center .-- Deloitte, 2021 .-- 82 p. : il. ; 1 documento PDF

Bibliografía: p. 78-79

Artificial intelligence (AI), is rapidly becoming an enabler of growth, and a potential game changer, for almost every global industry. The United States Patent and Trademark Office reports that as of 2018, fully 25% of all US inventors were using AI technologies in their granted patents. While the potential for the United States in harnessing its AI talent is enormous, AI also brings a unique set of challenges that should be addressed so that concerns over its risks do not dampen innovation, and to help ensure the United States can lead globally in the ethical development of AI-based systems “trustworthy”. Respondents to the survey indicated that consumer trust in AI systems could increase as consumers saw personal benefit from adoption of AI technologies, whether as users of AI-enabled systems or as customers of new products and services generated or accelerated by AI, and similarly, respondents indicated that workers could become more confident in using and working alongside AI as they saw it improve their day-to-day work experience, safety, and professional opportunities.

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Chamber Technology Engagement Center
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