Australian Human Rights Commission

Human Rights and Technology : final report 2021 / Australian Human Rights Commission .-- Sydney : Australian Human Rights Commission, 2021 .-- 238 p. : il. col.. ; 1 documento PDF

Apéndices y notas, p. 193-238

Australians want technology that is safe, fair and reliable. But we know that new technologies can threaten our human rights to equality, non-discrimination, privacy, safety from violence, access and more. Now is a critical time. As a nation, we can embrace new technologies, while upholding human rights and responding to ethical risks. This Report presents a roadmap to achieve this aim by modernising a number of laws, government policies, education and resourcing, for responsible innovation—taking advantage of the promise of new technology, while upholding our human rights. The Report’s recommendations will help ensure that new technologies are developed and used in ways that are inclusive, accountable, and with robust human rights safeguards. This Report is the culmination of a major project on new and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence. The Report reflects the Commission’s extensive public consultation regarding the impact of new technologies on human rights. Australia can seize the benefits that new technology offers, while effectively guarding against the risks of harm, especially to our human rights.

All material presented in this publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia, with the exception of photographs and images, organisational logos, any branding or trademarks, where otherwise indicated. Australian Human Rights Commission


Inteligencia Artificial
Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales


Emerging technologies
Government regulatory policy
Human rights
Digital Communication Technology
Technology social aspects
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