AI Watch : AI Uptake in Smart Mobility / S. De Nigris ... [et al.] ; this publication is a technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2021 .-- 58 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

his AI Watch report analyses AI uptake in smart mobility. It recognizes that AI-driven smart mobility applications hold the potential to improve the management of traffic flows, enhance road safety and extend access to mobility to those who don’t possess vehicles. In addition, by triggering changes in user behavior, e.g. in the change from “mobility as ownership” to “mobility as a service”, they can improve the use-efficiency of mobility assets and reduce energy consumption and pollution, promoting cleaner forms of mobility. However, uptake of AI in smart mobility depends on overcoming a number of technical as well as systemic challenges, related to governance and stakeholders coordination. Key issues concerning data, e.g. data sharing, protection and standardization, and algorithms, e.g. their fairness and transparency, still require further research. The analysis highlights that AI in smart mobility domain is experiencing a fast growing trend, albeit relatively recent: for instance, start-ups delivering market-ready AI in smart mobility applications have already reached approximately 30% of the total Venture Capital investments in the mobility sector. In the global context, the analysis shows that European automotive and ICT companies play only a minor role in the domain of AI in smart mobility, while the major part of enabling technologies and applications in this domain is being developed and deployed in China and the US.

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10.2760/879190 doi

Inteligencia Artificial

movilidad inteligente
energía y transporte

De Nigris, Sarah

Comisión Europea Centro Común de Investigación
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