Cabrol, Marcelo

How digitalization can transform health, education and work as Latin America and the Caribbean emerge from the pandemic / Marcelo Cabrol, Cristina Pombo .-- Washington, D.C. : Inter-American Development Bank, October 2021 .-- 16 p. : il., gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

Like other historic disruptions, the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered chain-reactions in innovation, adaptation, and rapid behavioral change. The Latin American and Caribbean Region is no exception. The COVID-19 crisis has exposed a vast, pent-up demand for improvements in the quality, convenience, and cost of basic public services. While the ongoing human and economic toll of the pandemic has overshadowed the potential for dramatic and lasting gains in areas such as health, education, and remote work, it is not too early to ask how these gains might be retained and reinforced. This report highlights opportunities in telemedicine, tele-education, and telework the three areas we think are best positioned to achieve a profound digital transformation in the near-term. For each area, we offer a summary of the status quo, examples of early movers and innovators, and key questions regarding policy actions that can accelerate current trends.

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10.18235/0003726 . doi

Sanidad digital
Educación digital

América latina

transformación digital

Pombo, Cristina

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo‪
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