Dirección General de Estabilidad Financiera, Servicios Financieros y Unión de los Mercados de Capitales

Implementing dictionaries of regulatory concepts and reporting obligations by assisted machine learning : Final report / Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets (FISMA) .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, October 2021 .-- 128 p. : gráf., mapas ; 1 documento PDF

his document reports on the project Implementing dictionaries of regulatory concepts and reporting obligations by assisted machine learning (FISMA 2019:050/E). The project has the following objectives: 1. Cover the entire body of legislation in the scope of DG FISMA. documents. 2. Build a glossary of concepts (words or phrases) and identify their definitions. 3. Build a dictionary of reporting obligations laid out in the covered corpus of documents (such an obligation states who needs to report, what needs to be reported on, etc.). The dictionary must be coherent with the existing FISMA Taxonomy. 4. Make sure accuracy of the compiled dictionaries approximates 100% by combining automation with human assistance. 5. Extend existing tools of the contracting authority (CA) and where necessary design and develop new tools to use the dictionaries in practical work of the CA.

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10.2874/771121 doi

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