Mandl, Irene

Initiatives to improve conditions for platform workers : aims, methods, strengths and weaknesses / author, Irene Mandl (Eurofound) .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2021 .-- 28 p.: gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (New forms of employment ).

The rapid rise of the platform economy has led to a marked transformation of European labour markets, and existing regulatory frameworks and voluntary initiatives have yet to catch up. While platform work offers opportunities for workers and employers and potentially contributes to innovation, economic growth and competitiveness in the EU, it has been criticised from the beginning because of the poor employment and working conditions often experienced by workers. Accordingly, across the EU, governments, social partners, grassroots organisations and platforms have started to introduce initiatives to tackle the negative aspects of platform work. This policy brief assesses some such initiatives in the Member States and offers recommendations for further action.

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plataformas de trabajo
condiciones de trabajo
mercado laboral
marco regulatorio


New forms of employment (Eurofound)
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