Tower Companies explore new avenues for growth / by José Arias ... [et al.] .-- Boston Consulting Group, 2022 .-- 14 p. : il. gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

En portada: Leading in the New Reality Digital Transformation

The rapid consolidation of the European tower company (TowerCo) market over the past five years will soon stall as the number of available targets dwindles. This will prompt TowerCos, which traditionally manages passive assets such as structures and shelters, to seek new sources of growth. According to the report, the most likely source of significant new revenue will come from expansion into active assets; more specifically, in the ownership and management of active radio access network (RAN) equipment.


Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

tower company
industria de telecomunicaciones
operadores de telecomunicaciones
innovación digital

Arias, José

Boston Consulting Group
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