Centre on Regulation in Europe

eIDAS 2.0: Digital Identity Services in the Platform Economy Issue paper / Christoph Busch .-- Bruselas : Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Octubre 2022 .-- 22 p. ; 1 documento PDF

With its proposal for a revision of the eIDAS Regulation, published in June 2021, the European Commission aims to establish a new regulatory framework (“eIDAS 2.0”) for digital identity solutions that meet the new market demands and gives citizens more control over their personal data. In addition, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) seeks to prevent platform envelopment and gatekeeping strategies regarding digital identity services and keep that market open. Against this background, this CERRE issue paper scrutinises the changing regulatory framework for digital identity solutions in the platform economy. It identifies key regulatory issues and makes policy recommendations for an innovative and competitive identity ecosystem that may benefit all players.

Ciberseguridad y confianza
Comercio electrónico
Derechos digitales
Economía digital
Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

identidad digital
internet de las cosas
mercado digital
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