Delivering the Goods: E‐commerce Logistics Transformation

White Paper

World Economic Forum. Committed to Improving of the State of the World
Editor: Geneva World Economic Forum October 2018Descripción: 30 pTipo de contenido: texto (visual)
Tipo de medio: electrónico
Tipo de soporte: recurso en línea
Tema(s): Comercio electrónico | e-commerce | emerging economies | logisticsRecursos en línea: Acceso al documento Resumen: Transport and delivery services are critical for ensuring goods ordered online reach the consumer and are returned when something is not right. This paper presents trends and changes in the global logistics system in response to e-commerce. It outlines the frictional costs in e-commerce logistics that need to be lowered for global digital markets to be more widely accessible to small businesses. The paper concludes with options for trade and other policymakers to consider to improve the enabling environment for cross-border e-commerce.
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El Centro de Documentación del Observatorio Nacional de las Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (CDO) os da la bienvenida al catálogo bibliográfico sobre recursos digitales en las materias de Tecnologías de la Información y telecomunicaciones, Servicios públicos digitales, Administración Electrónica y Economía digital. 



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Transport and delivery services are critical for ensuring goods ordered online reach the consumer and are returned when something is not right. This paper presents trends and changes in the global logistics system in response to e-commerce. It outlines the frictional costs in e-commerce logistics that need to be lowered for global digital markets to be more widely accessible to small businesses. The paper concludes with options for trade and other policymakers to consider to improve the enabling environment for cross-border e-commerce.

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