International Forum on AI and the Futures of Education

: developing competencies for the AI Era 7-8 December 2020 : synthesis report

Miao, Fengchun | Holmes, Wayne
Editor: París : UNESCO, 2021Descripción: 39 p. : il. ; 1 documento PDFTipo de contenido: texto (visual)
Tipo de medio: electrónico
Tipo de soporte: recurso en línea
Tema(s): Educación digital | Inteligencia Artificial | AI | tecnologías | habilidades digitales | competencias | educaciónRecursos en línea: Acceso al documento Resumen: The International Forum on AI and the Futures of Education organized by UNESCO, the Ministry of Educationof the People’s Republic of China, and the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO shared policies and practices regarding the role of AI in education, with a specific focus on defining the competencies required in the AI era, and strategies to prepare all people to live and work with AI effectively. The Forum provided the opportunity to discuss a number of implications related to the transformative potential of AI in education: - Internationally recognized ethical principles to regulate AI for the common goodWith - Developing AI literacy for all citizens, which requires everyone to achieve a certain level of proficiency regarding AI - Preparing competencies for the AI era involves a balance of human-oriented and technology-oriented competencies - Implications of the use of AI tools in schools - Equitable and inclusive use of AI, and gender equitable - AI and the futures of education should be more flexible and responsive to changing circumstances and innovation
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El Centro de Documentación del Observatorio Nacional de las Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (CDO) os da la bienvenida al catálogo bibliográfico sobre recursos digitales en las materias de Tecnologías de la Información y telecomunicaciones, Servicios públicos digitales, Administración Electrónica y Economía digital. 



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En portada: "Education 2030"

The International Forum on AI and the Futures of Education organized by UNESCO, the Ministry of Educationof the People’s Republic of China, and the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO shared policies and practices regarding the role of AI in education, with a specific focus on defining the competencies required in the AI era, and strategies to prepare all people to live and work with AI effectively. The Forum provided the opportunity to discuss a number of implications related to the transformative potential of AI in education:
- Internationally recognized ethical principles to regulate AI for the common goodWith
- Developing AI literacy for all citizens, which requires everyone to achieve a certain level of proficiency regarding AI
- Preparing competencies for the AI era involves a balance of human-oriented and technology-oriented competencies
- Implications of the use of AI tools in schools
- Equitable and inclusive use of AI, and gender equitable
- AI and the futures of education should be more flexible and responsive to changing circumstances and innovation

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