The future of jobs employment, skills and workforce strategy for the fourth industrial revolution : executive summary World Economic Forum .-- Enero 2016 .-- 12 pág. gráf., col. 1 documento PDF

The burden of job losses that will result from automation and disintermediation as a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will impact women and men relatively equally, with 52% of the 5.1 million net job losses expected globally between now and 2020 affecting men, compared with 48% affecting women.

El Informe sobre el futuro del empleo del Foro Económico Mundial busca comprender el impacto actual y futuro de las principales perturbaciones en los niveles de empleo, las habilidades y los patrones de reclutamiento en diferentes industrias y países. Lo hace pidiendo a los Chief Chief Human Resources Officers (CHRO) de los empleadores más grandes de hoy en día que se imaginen cómo los empleos en su industria cambiarán hasta el año 2020. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report seeks to understand the current and future impact of key disruptions on employment levels, skill sets and recruitment patterns in different industries and countries. It does so by asking the Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) of today’s largest employers to imagine how jobs in their industry will change up to the year 2020.


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World Economic Forum