2nd survey of schools ICT in education : objective 1 : benchmark progress in ICT in schools, final report This study was carried out for the European Commission by European Schoolnet, University of Liege Psychology and Education .-- Luxembourg Publications Office the European Union 2019 .-- 120 p. tab., il. col.. 1 fichero .pdf

Bibl. : pág. 116-119.

This survey follows the Digital Education Action Plan Communication’s call to provide more evidence regarding digitisation in education. By surveying head teachers, teachers, students and parents from EU28, Norway, Iceland and Turkey, this survey provides detailed information related to access, use and attitudes towards the use of technology in education. Amongst other results, the study shows that less than 1 out of 5 of students attend schools which have access to high-speed Internet. The results of the survey clearly support the future Connected Europe Facility Programme’s aim to support high-speed internet access for schools. Further, the study found that students overall, and female students in particular, rarely engage in coding/programming activities. Activities to strengthen students’ coding skills and getting girls more interested in digital therefore need further attention. Furthermore, results show that most teachers engage in ICT training in their own time whereas participation in compulsory ICT trainings is less common. Further findings reveal that only 1 out of 2 students attending secondary schools have parents that feel they know enough about their child’s online behaviour. These results support the Commission's Strategy for a Better Internet for Children, which also aims at raising awareness and foster digital literacy among parents


10.2759/23401 doi

Educación digital

educational technology
ICT in schools
Interactive whiteboards
mobile phones
digital cameras
Teaching method
Comparative education
Education policy

Comisión Europea. Dirección General de Redes de Comunicación, Contenido y Tecnologías
Deloitte (Firma)‪
Ipsos MORI (Firm)‏