
Global education monitoring report 2019 : gender report : Building bridges for gender equality .-- First edition .-- París : UNESCO, 2019 .-- 67 p. tablas, gráf., il. col.

Bibliography p. 63-67

Access to a sustainable and quality education is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today and tomorrow. By working to ensure that every child can go to school and also that we can all continue to learn throughout our lives, our goal must be to give everyone the necessary skills to contribute to the development of their societies. Education is at the heart of the goals that the international community set itself to achieve by 2030. This is why UNESCO is prioritising gender equality in and through education. The stakes are twofold: The education of girls and women is, first, a fundamental human right and it is also an essential lever for sustainable development and peace. For a long time, this issue has been seen through a single prism, that of, achieving parity in schools, which was considered the criteria to measure the success or failure of efforts to integrate girls and young women into education systems. From this point of view, the last twenty years have witnessed a remarkable evolution.

Educación digital

Igualdad de género