Big Data and AI Executive Survey 2019 : Executive Summary of Findings .-- Boston : NewVantage Partners LLC, 2019 .-- 16 p. tablas ; 1 documento PDF

How are Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) accelerating business transformation? This is the theme of the 2019 NewVantage Partners Big Data and AI Executive Survey. This survey was first conducted in 2012 -- in response to Fortune 1000 business and technology C-Executives who sought to understand the potential impact of Big Data, and its implications for their businesses. Much has happened in the years since the inaugural survey. Fortune 1000 companies have come to increasingly recognize that they must become more adept at leveraging their data assets if they are to compete successfully against highly-agile datadriven competitors. The 2019 edition of the New Vantage Partners Big Data and AI Executive Survey includes many results that are reasons for celebration.


Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

Transformación digital
Artificial Intelligence
Big data

NewVantage Partners LLC