Exploratory study of consumer issues in online peer-to-peer platform markets : task 3 report. .-- Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones, 2017. .-- 66 pág. : il. col. ; 1 documento PDF

Online P2P platforms appear to be embraced by experience-driven, proactive, “deal savvy” users. Based on the perception of the moderators a lot of current users across countries share common values and personality traits. P2P is to them a lifestyle and a way to feel different. Platforms are mainly categorized by sector (goods, mobility, accommodation and other services). Pure sharing platforms are not popular and less known in all of the countries investigated. A key benefit of all of these platforms is cost savings. Across categories people mention cost savings of up to 80%. However, besides the monetary savings other benefits are key in defining the attractiveness of P2P. Saving resources, a broad and unique offer, convenience... are also drivers. Additionally, next to the functional benefits, plenty of emotional elements (such as, feeling smart, enjoying the buzz of the deal, feeling part of a community of kindred spirits, feeling different and trendy, engaging with real people, sense of locality) add to the charm of the sharing economy as a whole.

Reproducción autorizada, con indicación de la fuente bibliográfica ; Unión Europea.


10.2838/0 doi

Comercio electrónico

economía colaborativa
bienes y servicios
política de los consumidores
transacción financiera
protección de datos
computación en nube
bien de ocasión
Derecho nacional
protección del consumidor
Estado miembro UE

Hausemer, Pierre
Rzepecka, Julia
Dragulin, Marius
Vitiello, Simone
Rabuel, Lison
Nunu, Madalina
Rodriguez Diaz, Adriana
Psaila, Emma
Fiorentini, Sara
Gysen, Sara
Meeusen, Tim
Quaschning, Simon
Dunne, Allison.
Grinevich, Vadim
Huber, Franz
Baines, Linda

Comisión Europea. Dirección General de Justicia y Consumidores