Jung, Hyuntae

Data-driven decision-making processes, data services and applications for global aviation safety​ / Hyuntae Jung ... [el al.] .-- Geneva : International Telecommunication Union, 2018. .-- 9 p.

This paper presents analysis solutions, data applications and services developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): indicators, iSTARS, SIMS and iMPLEMENT. These solutions facilitate data-driven decision making and assist stakeholders in identifying and managing safety risks in support of the development and dissemination of safety information and the implementation of State safety programmes (SSPs) and safety management systems (SMSs). Safety management supported by data-driven decision making (D3M) is ICAO's framework in aviation safety, which is the prerequisite for global connectivity and sustainable development. This framework is noted as an innovation as it is one of the first cases of regulatory bodies integrating a data-driven approach into global governance and international regulations. As a UN specialized agency, ICAO supports all Member States to have capabilities to leverage data-driven approaches for the public good.

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

Science and Technology

Merens, Marco
Valipour, Manoosh
Liang, Xiaopeng
Abboud, Dunia
Wen, Hui Annie
Yuan, Yuchen
Zimmerman, Ruviana