eGovernment benchmark 2019 : empowering Europeans through trusted digital public services : insight report .-- Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones, 2019. .-- 41 p. : il. col..

Digital technologies increasingly place new demands and expectations on the public sector. Realising the full potential these technologies hold is the key challenge for governmental organisations. In eGovernment, that potential is on the one hand in optimising the supply of online public services in line with user's needs, and on the other hand in increasing the usage of those services. The eGovernment Benchmark is a yearly monitoring instrument of the EC to provide insight into the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) in the public sector. The measurement evaluates the maturity of online public services in terms of user centricity, transparency, and use of key enablers. It also brings the dimension of cross-border service delivery, which is a truly European metric.

All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU ; Unión Europea. Reproducción autorizada, con indicación de la fuente bibliográfica ; Unión Europea.


. 10.2759/950318 . doi

Administración electrónica

Albania Macedonia del Norte Islandia Montenegro Noruega Serbia Suiza Turquía

administración pública
cultura digital
datos personales
documento electrónico
evaluación comparativa de resultados
flujo transfronterizo de datos
mercado único
seguridad informática
servicio público
tecnología digital
transparencia administrativa
usuario informático

Aguzzi, Stefania
Benedetti, Michele
Cattaneo, Gabriella
Enzerink, Sem.
Geilleit, Roel.
Groeneveld, Anouschka.
Noci, Giuliano
Pallaro, Florian
Saverio Alfano, Alessandro.
Tangi, Luca
Tinholt, Dinand
Linden, Niels van der

Comisión Europea. Dirección General de Redes de Comunicación, Contenido y Tecnologías
International Data Corporation‏
Politecnico di Milano‏