Skills for smart industrial specialisation and digital transformation : final report / Written by PwC ; Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) .-- Luxemburgo : Publications Office of the European Union, 2019 .-- 522 p. : gráf.; 1 documento PDF

EASME wishes to enter into a service contract for developing a common vision and supporting actions on skills for smart industrial specialisation and digital transformation with a view to increasing the capacity of industry, social partners, education and training organisations and policymakers at all levels to successfully shape the workforce transformation in Europe. The ultimate goal is to help cities, regions and Member States in designing and implementing ambitious skills policies for smart industrial specialisation and digital transformation strategies. The target groups will be professionals, managers, leaders and entrepreneurs in enterprises in all sectors who need to acquire and/or update high-tech skills. The result of the contract is expected to build on previous and ongoing activities in the domains of smart industrial specialisation (including clusters policy) and digital transformation.


10.2826/550778 doi


cualificación profesional
cultura digital
contratación de personal
desarrollo económico
modernización industrial
pequeña y mediana empresa
desarrollo regional
especialización de la producción
reciclaje profesional
nueva tecnología

Agencia Ejecutiva para las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas.