De Zan, Tommaso

Cybersecurity skills development in the EU : The certification of cybersecurity degrees and ENISA’s Higher Education Database / [authors, Tommaso De Zan, Fabio Di Franco] .-- Attiki (Greece) : ENISA, 2019 .-- 32 p. ; 1 fichero PDF

Bibliografía: p. 30-32

This report focuses on the status of the cybersecurity education system and the inability to attract more students to study cybersecurity and to produce graduates with the right cybersecurity knowledge and skills. It argues that many of the current issues in cybersecurity education could be ameliorated by redesigning educational and training pathways that define knowledge and skills that students should possess upon graduation and after entering the labour market.

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10.2824/525144 doi

Ciberseguridad y confianza
Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales


computer network
information system
data protection
labour shortage
education policy

Di Franco, Fabio

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity