Data subjects, digital surveillance, AI and the future of work /[ Phoebe V. Moore] ; Study Panel for the Future of Science and Technology ; EPRS European Parliamentary Research Service
, Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA) .-- Brussels : European Union, December 2020 .-- 120 p. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (EPRS Studies; PE 656.305).

This report provides an in-depth overview of the social, political and economic urgency in identifying what we call the ‘new surveillance workplace’. The report assesses the range of technologies that are being introduced to monitor, track and, ultimately, watch workers, and looks at the immense changes they imbue in several arenas. How are institutions responding to the widespread uptake of new tracking technologies in workplaces, from the office, to the contact centre, to the factory? What are the parameters to protect the privacy and other rights of workers, given the unprecedented and ever-pervasive functions of monitoring technologies?The report evidences how and where new technologies are being implemented; looks at the impact that surveillance workspaces are having on the employment relationship and on workers themselves at the psychosocial level; and outlines the social, legal and institutional frameworks within which this is occurring, across the EU and beyond, ultimately arguing that more worker representation is necessary to protect the data rights of workers.

Todos los derechos reservados ; Parlamento Europeo


10.2861/879078 doi

Inteligencia Artificial

Futuro en el trabajo

Moore, Phoebe V.

Parlamento Europeo. Dirección General de Servicios de Estudios Parlamentarios. Unidad de Prospectiva Científica. STOA
Parlamento Europeo. Dirección General de Servicios de Estudios Parlamentarios

EPRS Studies