Panella, Lauro

Challenges facing sports event organisers in the digital environment : European added value assessment / Lauro Panella, European Added Value Unit, DG EPRS .-- Brussels : European Union, December 2020 .-- 112 p. ; 1 documento PDF

The main purpose of this European added value assessment (EAVA) is to quantify the European added value of an EU legislative initiative that addresses the challenges facing organisers of sports events in the digital environment, with particular attention to thephenomenon of online piracy.
The study investigates whether the current EU legal regime provides sports events organisers and their licensees with an adequate level of protection against piracy of online sports events, or, rather, if higher standards of protection are needed. The main challenge posed forsports eventsis that, just like all other forms of 'premium' content, they have a highly perishable nature: their economic value is substantially exhausted by the end of the event (and its live coverage). Hence, the commercial value of intellectual property rights protection closely hinges ona prompt and effective enforcement system regulated by a harmonised legislative framework at EU level.

Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is
acknowledged and the European Parliament is given prior notice and sent a copy. ; Unión Europea


10.2861/047009 doi

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

regimen jurídico
eventos deportivos

Parlamento Europeo. Dirección General de Servicios de Estudios Parlamentarios
Unión Europea