Digital technologies as a means of repression and social control / authors, Dorota Glowacka ... [et al.] ; European Parliament coordinator, Policy Department for External Relations
Directorate General for External Policies of the Union .-- Brussels : European Parliament, April 2021 .-- 106 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

En portada: STUDY Requested by the DROI subcommittee

Bibliografía: p. 81-98

The proliferation of new and emerging technologies over the past two decades has significantly expanded states’ toolkit for repression and social control, deepening human rights problems. While these technologies still have the potential to
positively enhance democratic values and human rights, they are now also actively deployed and shaped by many repressive regimes to their own strategic advantage. Globally and regionally, efforts have been made to tackle the challenges
that digital technologies pose to human rights, but a lot remains to be done. The EU must enrich global legal and standard-setting efforts, as well as improve its own core foreign policy instruments. The EU’s foreign policy toolbox has become more
comprehensive in the last several years, with the addition of a number of different strands to its efforts against ‘digital authoritarianism’. The challenge related to the use of digital technologies by authoritarian regimes has continued to deepen,
however. The EU must therefore continue to find ways to fine-tune and add to this toolbox. A core finding that runs through this report is that the EU has undertaken many valuable and well-designed policy initiatives in this field, but still has to
decide whether tackling digital repression is a core geopolitical interest at the highest political level.

Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is
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978-92-846-8025-2 (print) 978-92-846-8024-5 (pdf)

10.2861/6706 . DOI (print) 10.2861/953192 . DOI (pdf)

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

tecnologías digitales
represión social
derechos humanos
represión digital

Glowacka, Dorota

Parlamento Europeo. Dirección General de Políticas Internas