Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico

Recommendation of the Council on Children in the Digital Environment / OECD .-- París : OECD, 2021 .-- 14 p. : il. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (OECD Legal Instruments ; OECD/LEGAL/0389).

The digital environment offers a wide range of opportunities and benefits for children beyond undertaking discrete tasks, such as research or schooling, to more complex activities such as entertainment, communicating with friends and family, and expressing their creativity in increasingly diverse ways. These tremendous opportunities are accompanied by a shifting risk landscape that has evolved dramatically over the last few years. Through its Recommendation and Guidelines the OECD recognizes both the integral role of the digital environment in the daily lives of our children and the urgent need to support policy makers and other stakeholders to create safe, beneficial and equitable conditions for all children.
A series of recommendations are established 1) empowering children to achieve inclusive and equal digital access and for the participation of multiple stakeholders
respecting human rights 2) recommendations to governments on their general policy frameworks, calling for coherent and evidence-based policy responses, effective legal measures and the promotion of digital literacy as an essential tool 3) the importance of international cooperation and calls for the strengthening of international and regional networks and the development of shared statistical frameworks
4) guidelines for digital service providers with four action areas: a) adopt a child safety approach by design when designing or delivering services; b) ensure effective information provision and transparency through clear, simple and age-appropriate language; c) establish safeguards and take precautions with respect to children's privacy, data protection and commercial use of such data; and d) demonstrate governance and accountability.

Sociedad digital

habilidades digitales
entorno digital

OECD Legal Instruments