EU Kids Online 2020 : Survey results from 19 countries / David Smahel ... [et al.] ; EU Kids Online networt .-- Bilbao : Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2020 .-- 156 p. : il., gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

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This report recognise significant changes that have happened in the past decade with regard to the digital environment. These
include the rapid proliferation of smartphones and fast mobile internet resulting in increased access to internet by mobile phones or tablets. New services and digital worlds for children have also been developed, such as Instagram and TikTok.
Consequently, and in line with the development of touch-screen devices, children are also using the internet at earlier ages. On the other hand, policy and legal actions such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) have also responded to these
changes, resulting in the restriction of certain services. The main goal of this report is to map the online access, practices, skills and current risks and opportunities of internet use among European children.. This report specifically describe four main areas: 1) access (how children access the internet and how much time they spend there); 2) practices and skills (what children do online and how skilled they are when using the internet); 3) risks and opportunities (the specific activities or experiences that can lead to
harm or to a positive outcome, including overall negative experiences, online aggression and cyberbullying, encountering potentially harmful content, experiencing data misuse, excessive internet use, sexting, seeing sexual images, and meeting
new people online); 4) social context (other actors who affect children’s engagement with the internet with specific focus on mediation, sharenting and children’s perceptions of the online environment). The last part of the report comprises country profiles of the 19 countries that participated in the survey.

10.21953/lse.47fdeqj01ofo . doi

Sociedad digital


riesgos online

Smahel, David

Universidad del País Vasco
Grupo de Investigación EU Kids Online