Samek, Lea

The human capital behind AI : jobs and skills demand from online job postings / Lea Samek, Mariagrazia Squicciarini and Emile Cammeraat .-- Paris : OECD Publishing, September 2021 .-- 99 p. : il., gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers; September 2021, No. 120).

Bibliografía: p. 76-79

Building on recent OECD work, this paper analyses the skills sets (“skills bundles”) demanded in artificial intelligence (AI)-related online job postings. The analysis uses Burning Glass Technologies’ data for the United States and the United Kingdom and finds that skills related to the open source programming software Python and to machine learning represent “must-haves” for working with AI. Employers additionally value specialised skills related to robotics, AI development and applying AI. A comparison of the periods 2013-15 and 2017-19 shows that the latter two have become more interrelated over time, with “neural network” skills connecting both groups. Network analysis relating AI skills to general skills highlights the growing role of socio-emotional skills; and of skill bundles related to programming, management of big data and data analysis. Key results hold for both countries and time periods, though differences emerge across occupations and industries.

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10.1787/2e278150-en doi

Inteligencia Artificial

ofertas de trabajo en línea
trabajo remoto

Squicciarini, Mariagrazia
Cammeraat, Emile

Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers