Urquía, Miguel Angel de

Place-based innovation ecosystems for emerging mobility-based business models : Methodology and a comparative analysis of case studies for mobility-as-a-service / Miguel Angel de Urquía, Ramón Compañó, Sergio Díez ; Joint Research Centre .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2021 .-- 101 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (JRC Science for Policy Report).

This report presents a methodology to describe and assess place-based innovation ecosystems. The methodology is based upon a two-step qualitative and qualitative approach and the key performance indicators have been targeted to assess place-based Mobility Innovation Ecosystems. The geographical area is limited to metropolitan areas of cities, while the thematic focus is on emerging mobility business models. The methodology has been tested on five diverse case studies (Barcelona, Graz, Malta, Prague and Vigo) and confirms the adequacy and usefulness of the approach. It also determines the strengths and weaknesses of each ecosystem and offers valuable insights with regard to the ecosystem’s positioning on emerging mobility business trends. Comparing the differences and commonalties of the five case studies, we can deduce a number of best practices and recommendations for policy makers. Finally, we outline to the steps to take to assess the viability to turn separate ecosystems into a networked system of ecosystems

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Unión Europea



10.2760 / 685456 DOI

Ciudades inteligentes

modelo de negocio
transporte urbano
planificación de transportes

Compañó, Ramón
Díez, Sergio

Comisión Europea Centro Común de Investigación

JRC Science for Policy Report