Riso, Sara

Digitisation in the workplace / author Sara Riso (Eurofound) .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 25 October 2021 .-- 72 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (Anticipating and managing the impact of change).

Bibliografía: p. 59-62

Research into the transformative potential of the digital revolution tends to take a quantitative approach in an attempt to monitor changes in employment levels due to digitalisation. The fear of potential job losses and negative disruption brought about by digital technologies has permeated the policy debate on digitalisation. In contrast, this report, based on case study research, takes a more qualitative approach to exploring the impact of selected digital technologies (internet of things, 3D printing, and virtual and augmented reality) in the workplace.

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978-92-897-2208-7 (print) 978-92-897-2207-0 (PDF)

10.2806/72005 (print) doi 10.2806/806842 (PDF) doi

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

tecnologías digitales
digitalización del del trabajo
condiciones de trabajo
condiciones laborales
nuevas tecnologías


Anticipating and managing the impact of change (Eurofound)