Pellegrin, Julie

Artificial intelligence and urban development : research for REGI Committee / Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies Directorate-General for Internal Policies ; authors Julie Pellegrin, Louis Colnot, Laura Delponte .-- Brussels : European Parliament, July 2021 .-- 78 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

En portada: STUDY Requested by the REGI Committee

This research paper explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in
urban areas, and its impact on socio-economic and territorial
cohesion. It argues that expectations surrounding AI are high,
especially in the context of smart-city initiatives, but that the actual
benefits are yet to be fully assessed. To avoid potential risks, local
and urban authorities need to fulfil a series of conditions that are
inherently challenging. The EU’s AI Policy and its Cohesion Policy,
in particular, may help, but they need to address the territorial
dimension of AI more explicitly.

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978-92-846-8307-9 (PDF) 978-92-846-8308-6 (Paper)

. 10.2861/37148 (PDF) . DOI 10.2861/780 (Paper) . DOI

Inteligencia Artificial
Ciudades inteligentes

nuevas tecnologías
política regional
economía regional
smart city

Colnot, Louis
Delponte, Laura

Parlamento Europeo. Dirección General de Políticas Internas