Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico

Mapping data portability initiatives, opportunities and challenges .-- Paris : OECD Publishing, December 2021 .-- 68 p. : il., gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (OECD Digital Economy Papers; December 2021 No. 321).

Data portability has become an essential tool for enhancing access to and sharing of data across digital services and platforms. This report explores to what extent data portability can empower users (natural and legal persons) to play a more active role in the re-use of their data across digital services and platforms. It also examines how data portability can help increase interoperability and data flows and thus enhance competition and innovation by reducing switching costs and lock-in effects.

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10.1787/a6edfab2-en doi

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales
Datos abiertos

portabilidad de datos
plataformas de servicios digitales
reutilización de datos
flujo de datos

OECD Digital Economy Papers